2021 was over in a blur, perhaps due to the almost-uninterrupted year of training that we had! It was a busy, BUSY year! Take a look at that busy year via this video summary:
We finished the year off with a BANG (quite literally) with a final "balloon wars" session! The preview and full video is listed below::
We also has some awards for some of our members! Take a look a the full role of awards via this link (https://www.rkcdojo.com/post/rkc-dojo-awards-roll ), as well as a video of that awards ceremony:
And here were are - 2022! We started the year with some online training, namely 1,000 (SEN) suburi! Initially intended to be done just midnight on New Year's eve, but, it was decided to rather do it the following morning so as to allow those members who can no longer stay awake till midnight an opportunity to also take part! :p
Our full training session (1h20) can be found on YouTube for anyone to take part in. Such was the case of John CHU, a Kenshi from Ottawa, Canada who took took part via the recorded session for his 54th birthday! Well done, John!
Although the 1,000 suburi may have felt daunting for some, but breaking the 1,000 suburi down into bite-sized chunks, AND keeping thing interesting, we we all able to complete the 1,000 suburi!
Let it be a lesson for the year that for any goal that we have set ourselves for 2022 and beyond: as long as it is broken down into manageable milestones, AND we keep the path "interesting", we can accomplish ANYTHING!
Have a FANTASTIC 2022 year of good Kendo, Iaido and Jodo training!
Our 2022 Training Schedule can be found here:
Stay safe. Stay healthy. Keep training!
The Ryū Ken Chi Dojo (RKC Dojo) train the traditional Japanese martial arts of Kendo and Iaido (sword-based martial arts), as well as Jodo(the art of the short staff/stick), that encourages the cultivation of the human character.
The RKC DOJO has 2 venues in Johannesburg where in-dojo training takes place - Rivonia and Observatory. Online training is also available.
Please follow us on our various social media platforms:
Website: www.rkcdojo.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RKCDojo
Instagram: @rkc_dojo
TikTok: @rkcdojo
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/RivoniaKendoClub
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